Sunday, November 1, 2009

4 months in 40 seconds

OK, so let's see... What has Jack done over the last four months?

He moved out of his old house...

...and into a new house.

He got a tricycle...

...and it blew his mind!

He danced...

...and made silly faces.

He played with his cousin, Elizabeth...

...worked on his white-goateed villain look...

...and trick-or-treated as a monkey!

At each house while we were trick-or-treating, I would remind him, "Say 'trick or treat' when they open the door." He would always reply, "No. Treat." He cracks me up.


Steven Reinke said...

Boy, with house prices the way they are today I'm surprised you guys sprung for the Rainbow-included model. Nice!

Looks like John Robert knows how to have fun. :)

Kathleen said...

Such a busy boy--love the picture of the 2 munchkins together!

Anna said...

yay for updates! he looks so BIG!